Running a Farm to Get the Best Milk to Make the Best Cheese by Kate Field
For today’s episode, I am very happy to introduce you to a Tasmanian farmer, Kate Field from West Tasmania in Australia. Kate and her husband Ian started Leap Farm in 2012 while they were still living in Sydney.
The story of Leap Farm is a love story that celebrates love in various forms: their own love story that was founded on a wheel of cheese, their shared love for animals, love for nature and of course, their love for Tasmania.
This story is also inspiring in so many ways to all independent business owners. Kate and Ian started their business out of a quest for making the perfect product in their apartment in Sydney.
Very soon, they realized that animals’ wellbeing and regeneration of the pasture were at the cornerstone of making the perfect cheese. So they bought a farm.
And in this episode, Kate will walk us through all details of their farming philosophy. She will also share with us the reasons why they chose not to get organic certification for their products and what it implies in terms of sales and distribution.
If you are a cheese lover, like me, this episode is definitely for you. I really had a lot of fun and learned a lot from Kate Field, so I hope you will too.
Today’s episode is the 2nd part of our conversation with Kate Field who has joined us from Tasmania, in Australia, where she runs Leap Farm together with her husband Ian. They started Leap Farm in 2012 because they were on a quest for making the perfect cheese.
In the previous episode, we talked extensively about the philosophy behind Leap Farm but if you haven’t listened to it, you can still go ahead with this one and come back to the other one later.
Now in this part of our conversation, we will continue on our exploration of the fascinating world of running a farm and goat-cheese making. This part is packed with some very practical lessons on how Kate created a market for goat meat in her community and how they built their goat farm and cheese factory.
And maybe, who knows, you might be inspired to have your own farm as well. We also discussed sustainability and again, some interesting ideas in this conversation.
But my favorite part is when Kate shares with us what she loves about her life as a farmer.
I find this, really profound and moving in so many ways. So if you want to find out more about life in Tasmania, farming, goats, sustainability and finding meaning in business and in life in general, stay tuned and join me for this conversation with Kate Field.
To connect with Kate